Action Annie's Bail Bonds - Carson City
Nevada Bail Bonds
Presented by Action Annie's, Inc.
Serving All of Nevada with Nationwide Affiliates
* 24-Hour, 7-Days a week prompt, professional and confidential bail services
* Ten agents to serve you with minimally 3 agents on duty at all times
* Release of persons in jail anywhere in Nevada and in the 44-Bail states of the U.S.
* Personalized client services depending on client needs
* Bilingual staff with decades of experience in bail
* No annual premium renewal fee
* Complete explanation of what the client needs to know to navigate the criminal justice system
* All agents are state licensed, bonded
* Premium fees (cost of bail bond) are set by state law
* Agents in both agencies experienced in drug & alcohol abuse counseling
* Flexibility in collateralizing all bonds
* Major credit cards accepted
* Misdemeanor and felony bonds in any amount, state appeal bonds, and federal appearance bonds
* Most out-of-state (Nevada) collateral acceptable
* Client communication and contact for duration of case
* Private ‘Bond Reduction Study’ prepared at Defense Counsel’s request
* Our clients are treated with courtesy, respect and compassion, as are their friends and family, during the stressful period of obtaining release on bail.
* Action and Annie’s are recognized by the Criminal Defense Bar, law enforcement agencies, and courts as the very best bail agencies in Nevada
Action Annie's Bail Bonds
206 E Washington St
Carson City NV 89701
Tel: 775 883-2664; 800 464-2245
Fax: 775 883-6769
