Action Annie's Bail Bonds - Sun Valley
Nevada Bail Bonds
Presented by Action Annie's, Inc.
Serving All of Nevada with Nationwide Affiliates
* 24-Hour, 7-Days a week prompt, professional and confidential bail services
* Ten agents to serve you with minimally 3 agents on duty at all times
* Release of persons in jail anywhere in Nevada and in the 44-Bail states of the U.S.
* Personalized client services depending on client needs
* Bilingual staff with decades of experience in bail
* No annual premium renewal fee
* Complete explanation of what the client needs to know to navigate the criminal justice system
* All agents are state licensed, bonded
* Premium fees (cost of bail bond) are set by state law
* Agents in both agencies experienced in drug & alcohol abuse counseling
* Flexibility in collateralizing all bonds
* Major credit cards accepted
* Misdemeanor and felony bonds in any amount, state appeal bonds, and federal appearance bonds
* Most out-of-state (Nevada) collateral acceptable
* Client communication and contact for duration of case
* Private ‘Bond Reduction Study’ prepared at Defense Counsel’s request
* Our clients are treated with courtesy, respect and compassion, as are their friends and family, during the stressful period of obtaining release on bail.
* Action and Annie’s are recognized by the Criminal Defense Bar, law enforcement agencies, and courts as the very best bail agencies in Nevada
Action Annie's Bail Bonds
5295 Sun Valley Blvd #1
Sun Valley NV 89433-7954
Tel: 775 322-7997; 866 307-2245
Fax: 775 674-2249
